Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kickest-Assest?

A term of exaltation for when one comes in the possession of amazing roomates.

Warning: Threesomes that fall under the term "Kickest-Assest" are often prone to plots of World Domination and random moments of blinding brilliance.

Tawnie: You guys are the Kickest-Assest roomies ever.
Christy: I know.
Bobbie: Man we rock.
Tawnie: Word.
Christy: Wanna take over the World now?
Bobbie: Of course! What better way to showcase our amazing Kickest-Assest-ness
*All laugh menacingly whilst plotting global domination*

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Kickest-Assest - meme gif

Kickest-Assest meme gif

Kickest-Assest - video
