Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Karon's?

The sweetest lady you will ever meet she will brighten up your day with just a smile or laugh. She can have a conversation with anyone about anything and she gets you and wants to help you with any troubles your having.

Once you a Karon hold to her and dont let her go trust me.

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

Karon's - meme gif

Karon's meme gif

Karon's - video


Karon's - what is it?

Karon is a nice person (usually a girl). Karon can be annoying sometimes (most of the time), but Karon has your back somtimes. Karon spends most of their time talking to their friends, because they are loyal. Karon may have trust issues because of past experiences.

Oh crap Morgan help Karon is gonna annoy the shit out of me

Karon do you ever fucking shut up

πŸ‘25 πŸ‘Ž11

What does "Karon's" mean?

Karon is an a amazing person that makes every one happy when she walks in the too she is beatiful she has attitude some times and is an anime freak

Karon is Bright!

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Karon's - what does it mean?

KaRon is just the person you just want in your life. Like he unique, athletic, smart, and just handsome. If you got a problem he’s always the person to come too. He cares and loves about his friends and family with his soul but they just don’t know. Theirs not many to say anything else but he a work of god. Yea and that’s it basically.

KaRon not perfect but he’s something

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Karon's - meaning

A real nigga

Karon a real nigga and he can take dick

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Karon's - definition

The ship that sailed with Aaron and Kirstine

the ship Karon has sailed

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Karon's - slang

An attractive one who knows how to adapt to any situation. His strong and aggressive nature makes people want to follow his lead. Be careful, his smile could move mountains.

Karone was the life of the party.

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Karon is a amazing person. He is very good at basketball. He has the best smile ever. He will never break a girls heart. He makes everyone's day better

Karon is awesome

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A boy that handsome and gets all the girls in his class. And he is very athletic and strong.

KaRon is awesome

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When something or someone is expected to show up but then does not.

The girl told her boyfriend she might be pregnant by saying, "honey, my period is karoning"

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