Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KONTOL?

in the Indonesian language, Kontol means good looking.

Person 1: Hey man! where are you going tonight?

Person 2: Oh hey man! I'm going to the mall tonight.

Person 1: You're kontol by the way.

Person 2: Oh thanks for the compliment! aight I'll see you later man.

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KONTOL - meme gif

KONTOL meme gif

KONTOL - video


KONTOL - what is it?

Kontol is Indonesian words for dick, it sometimes or even often used by person who emotionally pushed on the edge or simply triggered toxic kiddo.

Tono: Gara-gara kau sepeda motor ku jadi ringsek gini. Tanggung jawab kau!
Joni: Aku? Motor kau aja yang butut!
Tono: Eh, kontol! Kau ngendarainya kayak geng motor lagi balap liar!

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What does "KONTOL" mean?

Is a compliment word for talented person

Bestie ure such a kontol, how could you do that?!!?!

👍73 👎35

KONTOL - what does it mean?

An Indonesian taboo or adult word meaning a penis. In Javanese language 'kontol' originally means scrotum or testis.

"Masak udah jadi ibu ibu, bersuami dan beranak masih cari kontol?!" (How come?! She has a husband and children still look for a kontol. At least when she browses, chats, .. Penis, Dick, Prick, testis, ..

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KONTOL - meaning

nslang, equivalent to dick,cock.
/male sexual organ. Origin : Bahasa Indonesia

your kontol is big

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KONTOL - definition

Kontol is the another definition of handsome

People 1 : kamu kontol banget (you are so kontol
People 2 : makasih kamu kontol juga (thanks you kontol too)

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KONTOL - slang

Synonym of Penis in Indonesian language.

Do you want to suck my kontol?

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Something like snake with hair, its very poisonic

Lucinta luna have a kontol, but she pretend dont have

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Kontol mean handsome

People 1 : you are so kontol
People 2 : thanks you are kontol too

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Kontol means dick, if you meet Indonesians player in some games he probably say that

A : *feeding

B : noob kontol

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