Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jungle Bunnies?

A racist term against black people

There goes that damn jungle bunny

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Jungle Bunnies - video


Jungle Bunnies - what is it?

A moon cricket that comes out during the day to wreck havoc amongst normal people

I was minding my own business when this jungle bunny came to annoy me.

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What does "Jungle Bunnies" mean?

The African version of Snow Bunny. An African chick who gets exclusively with White guys.

'Damn that's one thicc Jungle Bunny'
'I wish I had me one of them Jungle Bunnies'

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Jungle Bunnies - what does it mean?

Disparaging term for a black person.

This term is actually incorrect, since in sub-saharan Africa, there is very little jungle, but more desert and plains. It comes from "One who hops around the jungle, multiplying so quickly they must be sterilised". This term has lost favour with racists and supremacists, and rarely will anyone born after 1970 ever use this.

yous a jungle bunnah!

Ahs gonna flay ya hide, jungill bunnah!

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Jungle Bunnies - meaning

More than 4 generations of a black family living in a two bedroom flat at any one time....

Extensive breeding due to lack off job, money and legal passport

in "underpriveledged areas" or "ghettos" as more commonly known

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Jungle Bunnies - definition

Refering to the way that blacks act in public

Why the fuck is mike dancing like that, he looks like a jungle bunny

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Jungle Bunnies - slang

a racist name for a blabk person from all negro backgrounds

brixton is full of jungle bunnys!

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Jungle Bunnies

Non-P.C. racist term for a black person, out of vogue because jungles are no longer referred to as 'jungles'.

The contemporary term is rainforest rabbit.

K.K.K. Kleagle: these damn' jungle bunnies are takin' over the damn world.

other guy: Shut up, Senator Byrd (D-WV)

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Jungle Bunnies

A term commonly used with great accuracy to reflect life for African Americans in the urban city, which originated in the early 1960's. The reason this term would be seen as accurate by many, is because a large majority of urban areas were seen as reminescent of concrete jungles. Blacks were first knick-named 'Bunnies' by law enforcement as to reflect the trend of them hiding like 'scared bunnies' whenever law enforcement figures were present. Over a short span of time, the two words married into one another. Many would say that the word holds greater meaning today than it did in the 1960s, as racial tension once again rises.

(Offensive): "Hey Bill, did you see that jungle bunny run when asked him to stop for a moment?"

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Jungle Bunnies

A non-racist term. Actually refers to boss ass team on FIFA Pro Clubs.

1-You see them Jungle Bunnies?
2-Yea they dominated that team.

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