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What is Jun Matsumoto?

Member of the Japanese band, Arashi. Also called MatsuJun.
Has starred in the famous japanese drama "Hana yori dango", and seems to be very fond of being high above the ground during concerts. Examples of this can be seen on the concert dvds, he comes flying onto the stage in an air balloon, he does air acrobaticts before singing solo etc etc.
He can't sing, but everyone loves him anyway, because he's hot, and serious and wonderful and whatnot.

"omg, his air acrobatics before he sang Yabai Yabai Yabai was so amazing!!"
"Matsumoto Jun of course!"

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Jun Matsumoto - video

Jun Matsumoto - what is it?

Asian JesusšŸ™

Iā€™m just praying to my Lord and saviour Jun Matsumoto..bless his sexy soul

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