Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jucket's?

A guy with no license, insurance , or skills and uses a Minivan as a work truck with ladders tied to the top. Also has a coverted pick-up truck rear end as a trailer.

Check out that jucket contractor with that minivan work truck.

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Jucket's - meme gif

Jucket's meme gif

Jucket's - video


Jucket's - what is it?

"The Wicked Juckets" A Rock and Roll band circa 2000 A.D., made up of Lakevillian Juckets; T.M., R. G., C.C., T.G. The Wicked Juckets preformed at venues such as Bridge Street Station, Fairhaven, MA and New Wave Cafe, New Bedford, MA

Yesha boy, wets go downoo Wonnie's basement and wisten to da Wicked Juckets!

👍47 👎15

What does "Jucket's" mean?

A shitbox car, usually over ten years old, different color doors, and a stereo that is worth more than the car.

Look at that jucket bucket. I bet he's been driving on that spare tire for 5 months.

👍51 👎13

Jucket's - what does it mean?

Juckets from Southeastern Massachusetts. Refering mostly to people either living in jucket hot spots (e.g. Chace Rd., Woot 79) or juckets living out in the middle of nowhere.

Look, that bub jucket has more broken cars on his lawn than he has working cars in his driveway.

👍103 👎13

Jucket's - meaning

When you and your friends all jizz in a bucket and the last one to cum has to place the bucket over their head.

Jimmy: Oh no pops, I came last, I don't like Jucketing...

Jimmy's Pops: Well you have to put the bucket over your head then, son.

👍39 👎21

Jucket's - definition

A hick, hillbilly, redneck, or other clasification of a poor uneducated person, usually one who is always in Guidance and smoke lots of weed and wears lame sweatshirts from Southeastern Massachusetts, primarily Freetown and Lakeville

Dude, Caitlin is wicked jucket.

I can't believe you blew me off to hang out with juckets.

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Jucket's - slang

A hick, hillbilly, redneck, or other clasification of a poor uneducated person.
Primarily from the area of southeastern Mass
A person from the towns of Lakeville, Freetown, and/or Assonet Mass who can be clasified as any of the above.

Why is Lakeville full os so many juckets?
Dude you are such a jucket.

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Originated from Jim Jucket's family who lived in Freetown, MA in the mid 1900s. These people were among the poorest folk in freetown. It is commonly used to refer to those who are dirt-poor and perform incest. Currently, Chase road is referred to as "Jucketville".

Look at those juckets, rolling in the fields with the cows.

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You were born in a house with a dirt floor and/or wheels. You are a proud inhabitant of Chase Road in freetown and will most likely live your entire life there raising cows and goats. You cash your weekly checks with Dick and his Wife at the trading post after a hard week at the gurney saw mill.

Take your hands of my Goat, Jucket!

👍321 👎87


hillbilly, hick, redneck. Someone who is poor. Chace Rd., freetown, Ma is the primary habitat for these creatures. variations include juck and juckster(never used) almost exclusively used in Freetown and Lakeville Massachusetts.

Look at those people commiting incest, what juckets.

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