Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jooba?

Italy’s national swish chalet

I went to jooba

👍25 👎11

Jooba - meme gif

Jooba meme gif

Jooba - video


Jooba - what is it?

Another word for women's breasts

She's got the biggest hooba-joobas i've ever seen!

👍49 👎27

What does "Jooba" mean?

A term used to express suprise or shock. Can be synonym for Another term for "Holy cow!" or "Holy shit!" Taken from

"Hooba jooba you scared the crap out of me!"

👍53 👎17

Jooba - what does it mean?

1. large boobs
2. a certain type of cactus

My friend's jooba's were popping out of her sweater today.

DAMN that jooba is prickly.

👍33 👎15