Definder - what does the word mean?

What is John Morgan?

the 2 best characters in red dead redemption 2 John Marsron and Arthur Morgan names together

John Morgan died of tuberculosis in 1911

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John Morgan - video


John Morgan - what is it?

A kind but simple person who follows the rules and isn’t gay. He is straight as a ruler. Kinda charming and always likes a good time.

Molly: Lookit that John Hardy Morgan, he lowkey looks nice

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What does "John Morgan" mean?

the act of shoving your nose in a vagina

Dude I gave that girl a wet john morgan

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John Morgan - what does it mean?

The act of Inserting the index finger into a vagina for pleasure only to leave it there stationary until awkward silence is broken.
It is customary to salute these men when seen with the arm extended and the index finger pointed to the horizon.

Well David finally maned up last night... sort of. He pulled the Captain John Morgan on Suzie. hahahaahha

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