Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jinks?

a word used in place for "dumbfuck" or "dumbass"

That girl said she could beat my ass! What a jink!

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Jinks - meme gif

Jinks meme gif

Jinks - video


Jinks - what is it?

"Jink" is a word used to define people who the user of the word thinks is really stupid.

Steven is such a jink!

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What does "Jinks" mean?

Another term for "Shit" or "Stuff"

Interchangeable with "Jawn"

What's with this random jink on my floor?

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Jinks - what does it mean?

When one jerks off into the sink

Brother: "Hey are you done washing your hands yet I need to poop?"
You: "No give me a few more minutes I'm using the jink so you might want to clean it when I leave"

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Jinks - meaning

A racist term for a non-African black.

Tyrone: Hey, brutha. Where you from?
Chris: Hey. I'm from Peru.
Tyrone: Damn, you a jink!

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Jinks - definition

Meaning to work, as in functioning

Kareem: yo bro hop on p4

Dave: bro my shit not jinking

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Jinks - slang

Is what you say, when you and at least one other person, simultaneously, say the same word(s). If you are first to say jinks, you are in effect the jinks master, and the person who uttered the same word(s) and who is now jinksed, cannot speak, until someone says their name in full. Utterring words while jinksed however, will result in double jinks, triple jinks and so on and so forth, for each additional word spoken.

Trudy and Rebecca: The chocolate one please
Trudy: JINKS!
Rebecca: Huh!?
Trudy: double jinks!
Cecile: Rebecca Smith
Rebecca: Phewww, thanks cecile

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planar currency. anything shiny that can be used for trade to purchase bigger, cooler objects.

"OI! that bugga stole me jink!"

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It's money.

Hey, got some jink to spare?

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The unkempt or askew manner of a material object. Particularly that of clothing, wires, and other easily tangled or otherwise messed up items.

Often used in conjunction with "all" and "up".

Wait a second, my coat's all jinked up.

Fuck, my headphones are jinked up.

We can't sleep in that tent, look at how jinked it is.

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