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What is Jesse Lee?


You are so Jesse Lees

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Jesse Lee - video


Jesse Lee - what is it?

The guy who takes 3 weeks of sick days at school while ordering pizza every day getting fatter by the minute

He's pulling a Jesse Lees again

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What does "Jesse Lee" mean?

A black independent thinker from Alabama who was sent from God in the year 1949. He is controversial figure because the truth is hard to handle for some and he is therefore looked down upon by the majority of the black community. He, along with his non-profit BOND, is rebuilding the family by rebuilding the man. He's also called an oreo cookie by liars for being "white on the inside, black on the outside."

White guy: You know that Jesse Lee Peterson guy?
Black guy: Yeah, he's a total oreo Uncle Tom!

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Jesse Lee - what does it mean?

Pretty much the real life Uncle Ruckus except without revitiligo. Believes slavery was a gift from God and that all black people are immoral.

Dude #1: Hey! Is that… a black guy protesting with the Confederacy? Outrageous!
Dude #2: Oh wait… that’s just Jesse Lee Peterson.

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Jesse Lee - meaning

The hottest person in Chicago PD

Look there’s Jesse Lee Soffer with his best friend Tracy Spiridakos

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Jesse Lee - definition

Someone who is hot but is a chinese syndicate.

"Have you went to China before? Yeah there's lots of Jesse Lees roaming around in there!"

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