Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jackey?

the most awesomest person in the whole wide world... basically...
pretty unbeatable!!

aww... i have the best babyboo in the world... jackey pie!

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Jackey - meme gif

Jackey meme gif

Jackey - video


Jackey - what is it?

Drinking Jack Daniels and getting "Whiskey Dick" then getting a happy ending massage to prolong the experience.

I can't go out tonight, I got a 5th of jack and a massage appointment at 9:00. Gonna get a Jackey Ending.
jack daniels happy endinghand job

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What does "Jackey" mean?

A slight variation of the word 'Jackass'. Made popular in northern California.

"That guy is such a Jackey, all he does is poke fun at peoples flaws"

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Jackey - what does it mean?

Verb. Weather that is chilly enough to require a jacket.

Word originated from an aging rapper in a Chicago circa 2008

Hmm. I thought it was going to be warm today but it’s actually quite jackey outside.

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