Definder - what does the word mean?

What is JOEB?

When your at a family dinner and your brother is looking good in his wrangler jeans so you asked to be excused from the table so he can creampie you in the anal cavity

Damn brother joeb is looking fine in them jeans.

👍25 👎11

JOEB - meme gif

JOEB meme gif

JOEB - video


JOEB - what is it?

Used to describe someone who gets all the girls but is is pretty bad at Fortnite

Person: That person gets all the girls but is pretty bad at fortnite, he's such a Joeb

👍25 👎11

What does "JOEB" mean?

Joeb is the related to salad fingers because if his big curved fingers also he is attracted to other males ones especially with salad fingers

Omg did you see them Joeb fingers

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