Definder - what does the word mean?

What is It Is SO Over?

What it currently is

Oh my god I just did 5 hours of chemistry work for nothing. It's so over.

👍27 👎11

It Is SO Over - video


It Is SO Over - what is it?

A phrase screen printed on a t-shirt that a divorced woman wears in February if she was dumb enough to get married on Valentine's Day.

I was married in Las Vegas on February 14th and now that I am divorced, which ruined that holiday; I wear my favorite t-shirt that says, I'm So Over Valentine's Day.

👍125 👎57

What does "It Is SO Over" mean?

used in the blackpill community usually meaning "my life is done"

Sub-5: I just lost my only hope of a relationship its so over

👍37 👎19

It Is SO Over - what does it mean?

It's something that only a person who is so not over it ever says

political reporter: Madam Speaker, some Americans think impeaching Donald Trump a second time suggests that you have a personal vendetta against him. What do you have to say to those people who...
nancy pelosi: Personal vendetta? Oh, please. I'm so over it. Next question!

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It Is SO Over - meaning

(USED SATIRICALLY) to be in a devastating situation

my urban dictionary submission got rejected IT'S SO OVER

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It Is SO Over - definition

To be bored of something, or to no longer find it cool.

"I'm so over Big Brother"

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It Is SO Over - slang

an exclaimation of sadness and despair. the opposite of We Are SO Back

"It IS SO Over"

👍45 👎15