Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Internet shit?

A website of extremely poor quality. Usually maintained by self-absorbed fuckwits with delusions of grandeur.

I've just visited the FFVII Citadel. What a shit internet site that is.

👍29 👎23

Internet shit - video


Internet shit - what is it?

"Connecting" "connecting" "connecting"

Hey! Have you seen the photo I sent?
"Connecting" "connecting"
Wow you really have a shit internet connection

👍27 👎21

What does "Internet shit" mean?

A very toxic fandom that can give me a fucking stroke

What's more toxic than a nuclear dump, oh fuck it's some Unikitty internet shit

👍27 👎25

Internet shit - what does it mean?

A person who find the craziest stupid shit around the internet and posts it in chat rooms or social websites.

That douche is a internet shit magnet. He's always posting smut!

That block is a real online ISM internet shit magnet! A regular lyretic shitz magnet.

👍29 👎17

Internet shit - meaning

When people on the internet completely change something to fit there point of view because they know that most people believe anything they read on the internet. such as a Christian saying that all atheist are evil devil worshipers or when atheist say that all christians are crazy redneck republicans.

democrat: Don't vote Republican they invented aids.

idiot: oh shit man i didnt know that ill stay away from that.

idiots friend: naw man dont believe that, its just internet shit!

Republican: Don't vote Democrat they forcew you to be there slaves!

idiot: oh shit man i didnt know that ill stay away from that.

idiots friend: naw man dont believe that, its just internet shit!

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