Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Indian Car?

An Indian Car Wash is when a man sticks his dick inside an Indian woman’s wet hairy vagina.

He stuck his dick inside his Indian wife’s hairy vagina, getting a wet wash as he enters her vagina followed by her vagina hairs drying his dick with each motion resulting in an Indian Car Wash.

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Indian Car - video


Indian Car - what is it?

Getting a hand job at a car wash in India

dude that girl just gave me an indian car wash

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What does "Indian Car" mean?

A car that is held togeather by a bumber sticker or is just a plan rez bomb, can only go for 5 miles before needing a rest. has a song and a movie dedicated to it. (Smoke signals, and Keith secola "indian car")

"man my bumber sticker came off, now my car don't start."
"Jeeze man we were gonna go to the movie."
"i know"
"god you have such an indian car"
i know shut up."

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