Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ikia?

The feeling that an action or object is more special/virtuous/valuable if it was performed or acquired while riding/driving in a KIA automobile.

"KIA --- the power to surprise." If you actually believe in the IKIA effect, you will certainly experience some "surprise", all right --- anything that happens while being transported by a KIA vehicle probably will not actually be any more amazing or notable than if it occurred in any other common brand of car.

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Ikia - meme gif

Ikia meme gif

Ikia - video


Ikia - what is it?

I Know I'm Awesome. First uttered in a certain online discussion group. Soon to catch on swiftly in the Rap/Hip-Hop world.

Person 1: I totally hooked up with that chick.

Person 2: Dude, the one with the moustache?

Person 1: IKIA!

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