Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ihome?

A fun way of announcing your arrival at your house

"Honey, Ihome!"

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Ihome - meme gif

Ihome meme gif

Ihome - video


Ihome - what is it?

iHomer is a user on neowin and msn. He talks like he is a hax0r and 1337. Also likes iPods.

iHomerโ„ข says: GIMMIE YA PASSWORD111!!!1!!!1ONEONE
iHomerโ„ข says: OMG IMMA SUE JOOEZ1111!!!!

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What does "Ihome" mean?

A small, circular loudspeaker that can charge any electronics with a usb cable. It also has Bluetooth, and the quality of the music is excellent. I really recommend it, it has a good price, too.

Guy 1: "Man, the iHome is great!"
Guy 2: "*Corny joke, corny joke*"
Guy 3: *Machine guns them down*

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