Definder - what does the word mean?


A term originating in Montgomery and Bucks County. It's largely seen as a derogatory word towards women. It's used to call a specific women a useless slut.

Jill: Hey Billy I am so sick of you, you are such an asshole.

Billy: Wow Jill all I know is I remember when I fell off my dinosaur and I am glad we are through.
Jill: You are such an asshole.

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I REMEMBER WHEN - what is it?

A sentence said when one is acting very immature to the point of extreme annoyance, as in how a young person may act when they have their first alcoholic beverage. Can also be said to somebody who is acting irritatingly foolish when drinking, or to a lightweight at drinking. Taken from a line Will Ferrell says to John C. Reilly in the comedy "Step Brothers".

1. Guy 1: "Dude, that Coors Light is gettin' to me!"

Guy 2: "Yeeeeah, I remember when I had my first beer..."

2. Guy 1: "You're such a butthead."

Guy 2: "Wow. I remember when I had my first beer."

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What does "I REMEMBER WHEN" mean?

An effective insult. Used when someone says something sophomoric. Made famous by Steve Martin on his "Wild and Crazy Guy" album.

(Audience member): What's your mood watch say?
(Martin): Yeah, I remember when I had my first beer.

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I REMEMBER WHEN - what does it mean?

The 'I remember when' law states that if a person posts a picture of their child/grandchild/pet on social media then at least 50% of the replies to the post will be made up with people talking about their child/grandchild/pet.

"Here is a picture of little Maude taking a shit on the kitchen floor"
"Oh that's so cute; George does this all the time"
"They grow up so fast don't they? I remember when Alfie used to shit in the garage before bedtime"

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