Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ICEE?

When you cum in the snow and you get you're girlfriend/boyfriend to eat it

Jake: Hey babe, you want cum icee?

anna: What's a cum icee?

Jake: You'll see when you taste it.

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ICEE - meme gif

ICEE meme gif

ICEE - video


ICEE - what is it?

"iCEE Ops" is just slang for making billion dollar companies mad

That dude just iCEE Opped EA.

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What does "ICEE" mean?

Nipples so cold it will rip your shirt off

she had some Icee tits during a concert.

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ICEE - what does it mean?

A term refering to a sexual move involving a girl on her knees and a guy standing up. The girl works his dong while putting his balls in her mouth, acting as if she was drinking straight out of an icee machine.

My girlfriend used to give the best icee machines.

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ICEE - meaning

What retards drink instead of Slurpees. They aren't that bad,but they come in flavors like cherry,coke,blueberry,and...grape? Lemonade? Agh.

At wordBurger King/word they not only spit in your onion rings,but they jizz in the Icees now too.

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ICEE - definition

Meaning Chill, Calm, or relaxed

"Yo I heard sharon stole ya wallet son. You pissed?"

"Im icee...there wasnt any money in it anyway"

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ICEE - slang

One of the rappers out of the Rap group The Class Clowns. Often is the most lyrical one out of the group while Lil Stunt is the metaphorical one that loves to compare things. Icee tends to rap about how he is going to earn everything, party, and romance.

Jimmy:Do you know the rap group The Class Clowns?
Armani:Yeah they're dope
Jimmy:Did you hear the new Class Clowns song?
Armani:Yeah I heard Icee went hard on it

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A popsicle shaped in the form of a long rectangle. Sometimes can be hurtful if you cut your lips with the sharp sides. Generally tastes quite good, but any other flavor besides the pink or blue isn't that good.

-It's like 90 degrees out today, mom!
-Fine. Go get yourself an icee.

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A good drink. They have some shitty flavors tho.

Damm lemonade icee? Wat next piss flavored?

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A frozen drink that comes in many great flavors and other nasty flavors. You can mix two together and make it taste even more awesome. In my opinion, Coca Cola and Cherry flavored taste the BEST alone or mixed. The worst I've had was Jolly Rancher Orange flavored. That almost made me throwup. And they usually pop up in Targets or movie theaters.

Oh, man. This kamakazi of Coke and Cherry tastes so great I could orgasm........ Oh, wait... brainfreeze!!! Icee's are mezmerizing.

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