Definder - what does the word mean?

What is IS?

a high school program for a school in jersey.
also known as CGI,
contains semi-losers with semi-lives.
Most are weirder than the average person,
also smarter :

those IS kids are freakss <3

👍29 👎39

IS - meme gif

IS meme gif

IS - video


IS - what is it?

A smile gone wrong(inverted smile)usually used to define an ulgy person.

"Dam, thats one ulgy IS"

👍43 👎65

What does "IS" mean?

Shortening of the name Isis when referring to the extremist Islamic group, primarily found in journalism. The term is an acronym of 'Islamic State' which itself is half of the full acronym "ISIS" which refers to " Islamic State of Iraq and Syria"

A: Did you hear about what's currently occurring in the Middle East?

B: IS are doing something aren't they?

👍31 👎11

IS - what does it mean?

1. Used when speaking about or labeling the Indica and Sativa ration in marijuana.
2. Abbreviated combination of Indica and Sativa using the first initial of each word to create "IS".

IS - Pronounced "iz"
1. "I picked up a 70/30 IS blend at the dispensary today."
2. Package label reads: 70/30 IS
3. Indica Sativa

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