Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hunt for Cunt?

/hษ™nt fษ” r kษ™nt/
exhortation (sexual)
scatological derivative of the 'need for speed' catch phrase as popularized in the film Top Gun; 1986

(1) Religious - incantation proffered by chronic losers as a desperate plea to the Sacred Pussy Gods.
(2) Anthropological - a form of post-adolescent sympathetic magic.
(3) Biological - contraceptive utterance proven to be 69.69% effective.

I'm on the hunt for cunt!
(Note: allow pregnant pause between 'hunt' and 'for' to allow ostentatious high five with equally deplorable toothy lounge-lizard sidekick.)

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Hunt for Cunt - video


Hunt for Cunt - what is it?

more vile than a regular cunt

she is worse than that, she is a Helen Hunt Cunt.

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What does "Hunt for Cunt" mean?

The final demeaning kick a former NFL player administers after finishing beating the shit out a woman.

Kareem gave that bitch the final hunt cunt punt that she probably had coming after calling him the N word!

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Hunt for Cunt - what does it mean?

when any virgin teenage boy is on the quest to be laid

jack: so jim what you up too these days?

jim: well ive been trying to lose my virginity, it hasn't been working out so far

jack: ahh so the hunt for the cunt has come up dry.

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Hunt for Cunt - meaning

When somebody asks you to look for something and your pissed off at having to help them find it , like ok let's play hunt the cunt for something that you have stupidly misplaced

Have u seen where I put my fone mate oh week here we go let's play hunt the cunt u knob end

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Hunt for Cunt - definition

- a phrase meant to be used when one seeks maaad pussy.
(the 3 a's in "mad" are essential)

Person 1: "Hey man, I heard that you're going to Boracay. In case you didn't know, that is THE place to get laid."

Person 2: "Is that so? Well then, The Hunt for Cunt has b e g u n!"

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Hunt for Cunt - slang

The competition for a lady's affections between two or more men.

Ry-dog "Oh man, that chick is hot, I gonna try tap that"
Mitch "No way man, I'm getting in there first"
Finn "And the Hunt for Cunt is on!!"

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Hunt for Cunt

A game which a group of people will play. Usually like hide and seek yet more violent, instead of tagging that person you grab them and beat the '@it out of them.

Who wants a game of hunt that cunt?

I'm not it for hunt that cunt!

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