Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hudi's?

A beautiful girl with strong muscles and a nice ass. Usually a Hudis comes across as shy and quiet, but becomes very talkative once you get to know her. Often she has a bunch of tattoos and is a total goy.

Did you see that goy walking by? Oh wait, it was Hudis

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Hudi's - meme gif

Hudi's meme gif

Hudi's - video


Hudi's - what is it?

Hudi vr is a gorilla tag player who is good at jukes and pinch climbing if you see him and aren’t good at those things then leave to be safe

Oh no hudi vr is in the server
Let’s leave I’m not good at pinch climbing

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What does "Hudi's" mean?

Hudi vr is someone good at hiking and pinch climbing if you see him you want to leave server or will not catch him and the round will never end.

β€œOh no hudi vr is here let’s leave”

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Hudi's - what does it mean?

Cincinnati pilsner. Best light beer in the world! Hudepohl Brewing. the Queen City's celebrated light beer. A Cincinnati favorite.

One more round of Hudy Delight!

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Hudi's - meaning

female vagina. (as opposed to the male vagina)

hudie power to the MAXXX!!!

my hudie itches

he stuck his deek in my hudie

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Hudi's - definition

1. An ambiguous term for anything, often expressed in affection or endearment. Variations include bruddis, chuddis, chud, or hud.

2. A reference to a small penis

wat up hud

hudis, put that COFFEE down

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Hudi's - slang

Hudies:When you or you're family,relatives,friends,presidents ect. have hives and or pink eye(only and) it has to happen when cats give u pink eye and rye bread while you're allergic to rye bread you get something called hives which is very serious and hudies is even more serious, if you get hudies go to the doctor immediately and call poison control.

Mom i have hudies! The cats gave it to me!!

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Talented musician, writer, composer, producer. One who does it all and well.

In the music biz, he's a real HUDI!

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To lead the pack of the wolves
To be tough
To be fierce
To rise above
To be legendary
To not give up

You wipe that tear off your face and now go act like a HUDY!

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