Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hoonigan?

The act of extreme stunts involving motor vehicles (cars, bikes, quads, etc.) but takes a turn for the worse and ends up in an amazing crash or a hilarious outcome.

That dude was hooning that corner on his quad bad a** until he hit that dry patch and got bucked off! what a Hoonigan Munky!

👍35 👎15

Hoonigan - meme gif

Hoonigan meme gif

Hoonigan - video


Hoonigan - what is it?

Straight fire.

Yo, that snapback is hoonigan.

👍61 👎303

What does "Hoonigan" mean?

Freaking idiots

Jim and bob sure are some hoonigans

👍67 👎29

Hoonigan - what does it mean?

noun,see hoon or hooning: a person who participates in any type of reckless driving including but not limited to drifting, drag racing, and burnouts

did you see that car blow by?, stupid hoonigan

👍2357 👎397

Hoonigan - meaning

One who possesses an affinity for a large sea mammal. Specifically, the manatee, also known as the sea cow. From the genus Trichechus.

The word is derived from the 'hoon' sound the manatee produces.

noun. Pronounced | hoo•ni•gan |

The hoonigans 'hooned' in unison with the majestic sea cows.

👍81 👎141

Hoonigan - definition

A Hoonigan is simply a HOOLIGAN or a delinquent, one who behaves in a reckless or anit-social manner who happens to own or drive a car. They might do foolish or haphazard things while behind the wheel, such as burnouts, jumps or showing off for others in a dangerous manner. See also daredevil, hooligan, miscreant.

Give that hooligan a car and he might act like a hoonigan.

👍43 👎35

Hoonigan - slang

What does Hoonigan mean?
To hoon means to behaving in a rude and aggressive way, especially driving in a dangerous way. A person who hoons, that is, drives in a reckless manner, is called a hoonigan. A hoonigan often does drifting, burnouts, drag racing, etc.

"Daddy I wanna be a Hoonigan when I grow up"....(tears) "You already are Baby you already are.
Now help your brother get the jeep off of him."

👍143 👎41


A person who operates a motor vehicle in an aggressive and unorthodox manner, consisting of, but not limited to, drifting, burn outs, doughnuts as well as acts of automotive aeronautics. One who f@#king hoons.

Did you see that guy jumps, he is one crazy hoonigan

👍1121 👎133