Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hemsky?

One of the best if not best stickhandlers/danglers in the NHL today. Has world class speed and capability to do amazing dekes at this high speed a amazingly talented hockey player.

Hemsky in over accross the blueline dekes out the defenders IN ALL ALONE HE SCORESS!!! ALES HEMSKYYYYYY

👍155 👎29

Hemsky - video


Hemsky - what is it?

1) Sweet ass moves.
2) Smoother than silk.
3) Someone who doesn't shoot enough.

Oh baby, your skin is so soft, you're such a hemsky.

👍131 👎63

What does "Hemsky" mean?

- containing magical qualities; wizard-like

Zigmund Luna is hemsky 24/7

👍71 👎23