Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Hawkie?

Doing a hawky is when you go to fart but shit yourself at work. It makes a wet spot in that area, but you continue to work your shift anyway.

The name comes from the sound of the aggressive shart.

I was out doing my deliveries today when I did a hawky. Luckily, I had an extra pair of shorts.

Examples of a questionnaire from an employer about a hawky

When in a warehouse and you Hawky yourself...

Do you

A) Take off your shitty pants and spin around over your head, whooping like a cowboy.

B) Keep working anyway, so as not to miss your target hour and feel the drip drop down your legs.

C) Pull your pants down and scooch walk, so you can hawky outwards on the sides of the aisle.

👍25 👎11

Hawkie - meme gif

Hawkie meme gif

Hawkie - video


Hawkie - what is it?

Dodgy. Suspect. Someone acting weird and you're not sure why, so you use the word Hawky so you don't sound lame.

E.g. Someone hiding their phone when texting is hawky behaviour

The person is generally know as a Hawksman.

Why are you being hawky?

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What does "Hawkie" mean?

The god of a magical place of online entertainment for enlightened technicaly adept adults (students premitted before 9 with ID)

Hawkies world Rocks.

Howkies, the place to be when it's raining.

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Hawkie - what does it mean?

Caroline and Jasmine's yummy LJ community. Those two girls are hotter than me so that's gotta count for something,e h?

Jasmine and Caroline

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Hawkie - meaning

A young person of questionable socio-economic background who wears sports clothes and baseball caps and lists main hobbies as harassment and aquiring gold jewellry

The pub was rough, it was full of hawkys

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Hawkie - definition

A person who is a fully sick massive beast.

"Its a Hawkie up ahead. Everyone be scared" This shows the pure massivness of the hawkie.

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Hawkie - slang

Hawkie is a fabulous name and the people who are addressed as Hawkie are often tend to be Nice, Caring and Lovely. The Word Hawkie also has a weird meaning; as in Scottish, they call a White Faced Cow, or a favourite one Hawkie/ Hawkeys
They have a strong perception of affection towards their close ones.

damn, "Hawkie" is sexy, I love him!

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One who has partaken in the activity of skateboarding purely because they were influenced by a computer game. (more specifically Tony Hawks Pro Skater). Slang form the mean streets of Sotuhend-on-Sea.

I get to a skate spot and all I see is a bunch of Hawkies.

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Pretty much......he was Hawk Moth....
A creepy old man who don't care about his son (he should notice that Adrien need a pair of Glasses or some brain cells), and akumatized people by waiting them to get upset or angry or whatever that negative emotion is and using his little butterflies which he already was one on episode "Simon Says" just to get his dead wife back when he not realizing there's also another woman who is amazing and keep help him even risking her own health.....

: Oi dude, did you saw that video on YouToBe called "Hawkie once said"?
: oh yea i've see that video already, that old man was funny and dump isn't him like he can't even beats some teenagers, lol, stupid old man....

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