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What is Harwinton?

Harwinton is a small rural town in Northwest Connecticut. Although there is the world-famous Harwinton Fair and Fairview Farms golf course Harwinton is a boring little town. With a population of just over 5,000 houses are spread throughout the town leaving large areas of woods for quad and dirtbike riding......the only thing which keeps residents occupied. Consisting of just 2 pizza resteraunts and a convienience store, and a dunkin donuts soon to come there is nothing to bring visitors to the town except for the Harwinton Fair and fairview farms golf course. besides that Harwinton is just a 5 minute ride for commuters going to Hartford.

Commuter 1: Wtf hicktown is this?
Commuter 2: Oh, this is Harwinton

👍63 👎57

Harwinton - video


Harwinton - what is it?

Harwinton is a small town tucked away in the hills of litchfield county. Although many outsiders believe the residents of Harwinton are all farmers, the town is full of recreational activities. Harwinton isn't just famous for the world famous Harwinton fair, In 1995 there was a Bigfoot sighting at Roraback WMA. There is also a local legend in Harwinton about a lost lead mine on the banks of Lead Mine brook that runs though the center of town. A group of individuals called the Harwinton Goonies spend their summers looking for the lost mine and treasure.

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