Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Harveys?

Harvey is better than everyone else.
End of!

Person 1: I’m Harvey

Person 2: No I’m Harvey

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Harveys - meme gif

Harveys meme gif

Harveys - video


Harveys - what is it?

An epic, nice, funny, handsome boy who is epic

girl: " im so excited i met a harvey last night"

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What does "Harveys" mean?

Better than Rhys

β€œDamn Harvey’s way better than Rhys”

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Harveys - what does it mean?

A amazing creative and clever boy, someone who is kind respectful towards women. Harvey's are lovable but also have a complete other side and can be angry or also get angry or emotional easily. They can also be very sexy.

" Hey who's the new kid he is so kind! "

" I don't know but he seems like a Harvey "

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Harveys - meaning

A Cool Person Who is always calm and very humorous will always love his family and friends 100% The Best Person Ever

Harvey Is So Amazing .

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Harveys - definition

a cool motherfucker, 100% real nigga, fucks shit up.

yo dude, you see that guy at the party last night? he was going harvey!

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Harveys - slang

To have a visible and quite noticeable semi-erection when in public.

My boyfriend was walking around my house infront of my family with a Harvey.

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someone with a big dick

yo Harvey your nob is amazing and very big

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To be harveryed. When one is deemed to be harveyed one has drunk oneself into a comma using generic vodka at a party. The result of this coma usually involved the person who has been harveyed projectile vomiting in a dog cage followed shortly by passing out in a feild. One can only be said to be truly harveyed if ones parents are called in the small hours of the morning to collect their comatosed child.

"Hello Mrs Harvey, would you be able to come and collect Andrew, he's been harveyed."

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Harveys is similar to a mcdonalds, where service is given to fat people(s) in the form of fatty, fast food, for a fairly, fair amount of money. This trend usually becomes most popular on a holiday or weekend. However latley hanging out at the nearest "fast food joint" has become cool, so the number of customers has been increasing steadily. (try the angus burger)

Guy 1: yo dawg wanna go get some burgs?
Guy 2: ya mang whurr u wanna go?
Guy 1: lets hit up that mcyd's
Guy 2: fux that i get mad shits after eatin' there
Guy 1: aight fine lets go to harveys
Guy 2: seen

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