Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Harshdeep?

A beautifully awesome human being who is fun to be around . He loves playing sports or partying with friends. Harshdeep looks amazing and has a great personality. He is nice to everyone equally. Harshdeep is also quit the comedian; when times are dull. if Harshdeep's around, you're sure to laugh a fair bit.

Girl 1: Who are you dating?

Girl 2: Nobody, but I sure wish I was dating Harshdeep. That guy's awesome.

Girl 1: Yeah, he is so sexy.

Harshdeep: Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 8 - )

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Harshdeep - meme gif

Harshdeep meme gif

Harshdeep - video


Harshdeep - what is it?

A beautifully awesome human being who is fun to be around . He loves playing sports or partying with friends. Harshdeep looks amazing and has a great personality. He is nice to everyone equally. Harshdeep is also quit the comedian; when times are dull. if Harshdeep's around, you're sure to laugh a fair bit.

Girl 1: Who are you dating?

Girl 2: Nobody, but I sure wish I was dating Harshdeep. That guy's awesome.

Girl 1: Yeah, he is so sexy.

Harshdeep: Yeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 8 - )

👍25 👎11

What does "Harshdeep" mean?

Harshdeep is a name given to both boy and girl (indian) meaning light of joy .she is very kind hearted,lovely and intelligent. She is ambitious but sometimes lazy.she is beautiful and has very gorgeous eyes.she is very bubbly and funny.

Harshdeep kaur is very kind hearted ,she helps everyone.
Oh look harshdeep kaur .she is looking very sweet and cute.

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Harshdeep - what does it mean?

The meaning of the name harshdeep means he is a cute guy. And he like to talk friendly and in a loving way. He is an extrovert kind of boy. He is handsome good looking and cute

Oh i want harshdeep

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Harshdeep - meaning

Cutest girl in the whole universe with a gorgeous smile, glittering brown eyes and a beautiful face that shines like a moon on earth

Girl: Can I look like Harshdeep?
Makeup artist: No, I am human not god. She only one of her kind.

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