Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Haim's?

Has a huge dick all the ladies love. he is the dest at every sport and loves cocaine. he is a rich aisian.

haim is the best

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Haim's - meme gif

Haim's meme gif

Haim's - video


Haim's - what is it?

Name of yellowish officer in the israel Defense Forces

Haim is a yellow officer

👍25 👎11

What does "Haim's" mean?

the name "haim" is named mostly on guys with huge dicks and they are the hottest living creature on the world

guy: hey will u be my girlfriend
girl: why would i date a <insert name> when i got a haim

👍35 👎17

Haim's - what does it mean?

To destroy one's physical and emotional health through drug use and hip-delusion at an age when intellectual development is integral to one's future.

"What, you think binging on pharmaceutical drugs and doing meth with your buddies won't haim any chance you might have of graduating?"

"My cousin got busted for possession and if she's been selling too then who knows who else she might have haimed in the process."

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Haim's - meaning

a really funny down to earth person

I sure as hell am not a haimes

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Haim's - definition

To make a haimes of something = to mess something up

"This is a song that I made a total haimes of last night on TV"

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Haim's - slang

1)To become severely inebriated on drugs and/or alchohol in the style of Corey Haim; To have the feeling of dolphins swimming through one's veins

"Dude, I got so Haimed last night."

"Hey man, you wanna go get Haimed?"

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A name to describe a very sexy boy

You are haiming.

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(verb) The act of coordinated and synchronized walking, especially on a sidewalk, street or other form of pavement.

Popularized by the rock band HAIM through many of their music videos.

I was totally HAIMing with my sisters in the mall parking lot.

Have you ever felt like just HAIMing your way through life?

👍25 👎11



1. Hey you like HAIM?
2. YE!

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