Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HUrrY UP?

1/3 red bull 1/3 vodka 1/3 gatorade
supposed cure-all to a hangover or the cause of hangover

Hangover hurry-ups get you real fucked up. Do not exceed equivalent of 4 red bulls in a night

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HUrrY UP - video


HUrrY UP - what is it?

When you have a very limited time to consume large amounts of alcohol and you and/or your crew is successful in getting annihilated drunk in that time frame; usually done in a group setting where the common goal is that of drunken debauchery.

Man, did you hear that bar's happy hour is over at 6:30 now? We were totally caught off guard when we got there at 6. We had to go into the hurry-up offense to get it all in.

👍39 👎13

What does "HUrrY UP" mean?

Something the Korean liquor store owner says behind the bulletproof glass counter after you look around the store for too long.

Hurry up and buy. No trouble.

👍61 👎15

HUrrY UP - what does it mean?

The concept of making every effort to arrive at a location ahead of the appointed time, with the expectation of having to wait upon arrival. The purpose behind the concept is that it builds a large amount of time into one's schedule, therefore accounting for unexpected occurrences.

When we went to the airport for our vacation, we followed the "hurry up and wait" philosophy, arriving several hours prior to our flight.

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HUrrY UP - meaning

Speed things up or do things faster. Appeared on a Japanese t-shirt (engrish website).

DAMN, I'm so hungry.
It feels like I ordered that pizza hours ago!
I wish they'd HURRY UP THE CAKES!

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HUrrY UP - definition

A phrase commonly found in the military. This phrase depicts the day-to-day grind of soldiers where they have to "hurry up" to point B only to have to wait hours for the event to occur. This phrase also applies to anything that requires you to be on time but does not start for a good while.

Example A: While at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), we were told to arrive on time at 6 AM but in processing did not start until 9 AM. We practiced the "hurry up and wait" policy.

Example B: I did 80 just to get to the doctor's office on time, and he did not even show up for another hour. It was another case of hurry up and wait.

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HUrrY UP - slang

When haveing to fuck and u no your in a rush

When doing task u know your going to be done soon you tell her to hurry up

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South Philly Slang interjection used when someone wants to express either surprise, aggreance derision or delight at another's comment.

Did you see that getup that camar bitch wore to the club last night?

Hurry up! It was a classic right. Not for nothin', but where the frigg did she get that magic mirror that goes wit' it?

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also known as cocaine

Got a few grams of hurry up for the party tonight.

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A term you don't want to hear whilst having sex.

Guy: Ohhh baby, ohhhh yess!

Girl: *sigh* Hurry Up...

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