Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HUMPS?

1) the act of rubbing on or against another person's body.

(1. Bob, alf’s dad allows to hump on the objects or something or on flo’s particular Butt.
(2. Flo Grabbed And She Saw Gordon humping on the blanket this morning.

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HUMPS - meme gif

HUMPS meme gif

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HUMPS - what is it?

The (upper and lower) curves of a woman's body.

Black-Eyed-Peas-Fergie's humps are off the hook.

👍2233 👎1241

What does "HUMPS" mean?

an another expression of twerking. Mostly used on dogs as dogs can tend to hump quite a few household items. Most dogs find it amusing but some just cannot be bothered with life

that dog is humping your belongings

👍117 👎53

HUMPS - what does it mean?

What my dog does to company

hey, just shake your leg if he starts humping.

👍3355 👎1695

HUMPS - meaning

1) the act of rubbing on or against another person's body.

1) The boy jump on his mate and humped him crazy.
2) The girl bent down on all fours and allowed the boy to hump her crazy.

👍5165 👎1803

HUMPS - definition

To grind one's genitalia in a press-and-release pattern against a particular object or surface; usually associated with an inanimate object.

My dog keeps humping my leg.

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HUMPS - slang

sexed vigorously

She was humped like a demented ferret!

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Loser,deadbeat,someone who can not take care of his or her self or children

My babies daddy is such a hump , he never takes care of his kids. My ex is a real hump , she buys drugs with the child support money. My kids father lives with his mother and does nothing for his kids , what a hump.

👍97 👎21


Rubbing your crotch against something for stimulated arousal and oral pleasure. Examples include humping your bed, the couch, the floor, pillow humping, and especially humping the body of another person.

He started humping her to prepare his libido for their big intimate session together!

👍449 👎55


Being in a bad mood for whatever reason, and projecting the attitude on all others around you. The Hump generally is associated with a Camel and for people possessing and projecting the attitudes of the Camel.

Peter has just been snapping at everyone this morning. It's not like him. What's he got the hump about?

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