Definder - what does the word mean?


When your woody hoody fails and your girl gets pregnant.

We never thought that would happen to us, but sure enough, we got woody hood winked.

👍25 👎11

HOOD-WINKED - meme gif

HOOD-WINKED meme gif



HOOD-WINKED - what is it?

When a person sneaks up behind a victim and puts his or her shirt over the victim's head.

Dude did you just see him get hood winked?" "Yeah dude he came out of no where!

👍37 👎59

What does "HOOD-WINKED" mean?

it means somebody stole somethin

i was hood winked by those thiefs

👍41 👎63

HOOD-WINKED - what does it mean?

When someone gets slapped in the eye by an uncircumcised penis, followed by dragging motion away from the eye.

Did you see that?! That guy hood winked that prostitute!

👍85 👎101

HOOD-WINKED - meaning

The female equivalent of Tea Bagging

Did I just get tea bagged?
No thats a chick, you just got Hood Winked.

👍65 👎47

HOOD-WINKED - definition

To have the whool be pulled over your eyes ! Its origin comes from real life experiences by people in the hood, everytime you blink in the hood, someones shit gets stolen.

"IVE BEEN HOOD-WINKED !! how could u lie to me !"

👍141 👎97


I think this means to be fooled, dubed, tricked or had.

We have been hood winked.

👍177 👎73