Definder - what does the word mean?

What is HAKAS?

-Short for "Half-Cab Heel" which is a trick performed in skateboarding.

After landing the half-cab heel, Steven yells out in excitement,"Haka Hee' Fuu!" while everyone laughs at his funny way of saying it.

👍43 👎15

HAKAS - meme gif

HAKAS meme gif

HAKAS - video


HAKAS - what is it?

The act of standing with arms aloft, in a confrontational manner, shouting "Come on then, Let's av it, Do you want some". The estuary haka is often done from the relative safety of behind a police cordon.

There is nothing quite as funny as the hate contorted face of a 19 year old, standing on a plastic seat ,doing an estuary haka at the opposition fans separated by nothing other than a wall, a 30 yard dmz, another wall, 300 stewards, 200 riot police and all the other supporters who are standing in front of him.

(from a post by surfaceagentX2zero)

👍41 👎11

What does "HAKAS" mean?

The act of forcing your own culture unto another person(s) culture.
Also used as an utterance in reference to unpleasantly incessant use of culture as a means of virtue signalling.
Not to be confused with a Haka Solid or a Haka Greatness

Troy: Check out my new boil-up t-shirt. It's awesome, right?
Josh: Get the fuck out of here with that Haka Bullshit, boi.

👍117 👎19

HAKAS - what does it mean?


person: sign my yearbook!
person2: ok!
writing: schools finally over! HAKAS!!!!!!

👍41 👎19

HAKAS - meaning

the scariest fucking thing you will ever see performed by anyone that was made even more terrifying by the All Blacks rugby team of New Zealand

Tim: So how did you do in the rugby game yesterday

Phil: I was doing fine until i pissed myself out of sheer terror at the pregame Haka

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HAKAS - definition

scary, intimidating, shit inducing maori war dance made popular by the All Blacks rugby team.

We need to scare that other team with something like the haka, make them shit their pants.

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HAKAS - slang

-acronym for have a kick ass summer.

commonly written in yearbooks.

see you next year... hakas!

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also known as the Maori Dance, haka is a "War chant" that is usually performed by The All Blacks rugby team before a rugby match to intimidate the other team

"Ah and here are the Alll Blacks to perform their haka dance as usual"

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Have a KICK ASS summer!

an acronym if you didn't notice

"The teacher took my yearbook away because i was writing HAKAS in everyone's book..."

👍51 👎23


Acronym for: Have A Kick-Ass Summer. Written in yearbooks. See HAGS

This year had its ups and downs. HAKAS! Love, Samantha.

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