Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Guy guy?

A popular game in the Midwest, East Coast and California Bay Area. The first player says something, and the other players respond to whether it is "Guys" or "Not Guys."

Guys or Not Guys is not only a great American past time, but it is fun for all ages.

ChoreBoy asked Finch whether he thought his buttix looked Guys or Not Guys. Finch stated "Not Guys!" because he saw absolutely no smears of stool on his cheeks.

"Peking Duck, Guys or Not Guys?" Guys! Pustifer responded.

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Guy guy - video


Guy guy - what is it?

What many, many females fantasise about, much like guys' attraction to girl-on-girl action, only this version is far less socially acceptable and thus kept a closely guarded secret, even more closely guarded than masturbation. Many teenage girls in particular have a special attraction for punk/emo-type guys getting together (see: emo boys who kiss)

If you've only just gotten access to the internet, where girls are free to express their love for guy-on-guy action anonymously, and refuse to believe this, see, which is full of these types of stories. 99.9999999999% of the authors are teenage girls...

👍195 👎77

What does "Guy guy" mean?

Not quite exactly, guy in guy, or guy on guy. It's more like guy with guy or guy with guys. Semi-naked to naked men hanging around brushing up against each other and checking each other out.

Hey dude, remember that night of guy around guy'ing? THAT SHIT WAS AWESOME!

👍159 👎23

Guy guy - what does it mean?

Something you say just to make noise, so your friends will talk to you.

Person 1: Guys. Guys, I ate all the doritos.
Person 2: What the fuck?

👍115 👎27

Guy guy - meaning

1. When two or more guys kiss and make out and get off together. A quick kiss or grope doesn't count. Extended tongue action and fondling are required for an act to be guy on guy. Most of the time this ends when they wank each other until they come (because guys are good at wanking). Guys who are more familiar with each other, or kinky, will 69 and suck cock and rim and have butt sex.

2. Porn for girls. The type of porn in which all participants are hot and generally getting off on the proceedings. Participating in a guy on guy moment is the number one female fantasy.

Julie: Did you get that Mad TV guy on guy youtube clip that I sent you?
Jodie: Omg that was so hot, do you think that all guys really do that?

👍85 👎33

Guy guy - definition

That one guy that gets in a really friendly conversation with others and due to his comfort he inadvertantly puts his arm around the chair of the guy he's talking to.

I was walking in the airport when I noticed one guy talking to another guy and put his arm around the other guy's chair.

👍47 👎23

Guy guy - slang

A Guy Guy is usually an immature male who is obsessed with the college life. They do not live near beach towns, but during the summer that's where they can be found. They can be seen usually on 32nd street in Longport NJ in their Old Navy flowered board shorts, a white wife beater tank top, addidas flip flops(sometimes with socks), a puka shell necklass tight around their neck, usually sporting an upside down visor and spiked or gelled and high lighted hair. They can be heard talking to their Guy Guy friends about frats, college parties and girls. They usually spend their time tossing a foot ball around between themselves or strollng the shore line looking for women. They are insecure and gay and are having a hard time hiding it.

The Guy Guy's were flocking to the beach today, they all had their fresh Old Navy flowered boardshorts on.

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Guy guy

A man who exhibits characteristics of a traditional male role model. He is likely knowledgeable in a wide variety of practical skills. He tends to be modest and friendly, helping others freely, but exudes confidence. Others may look up to him and seek him out for help or advice.

Not only does he grill a mean steak, but at his barbeque last week he figured out a problem with my car that's baffled me for weeks! It seems like he knows what he's doing with everything, He's a real guy's guy.

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Guy guy

a masculine, sports loving, sociable guy who likes to hang out with his buddies

Look at this guy.... he's the life of the party, now's that a guy's guy.

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Guy guy

Greeting used often by overzealous lebanese guys. Is often accompied by a tour of the new apartment and mass quanties of 7-uP.

*door knocks*
Flying Star - Hello?
Noid - it's us
*door opens*
Flying Star - Guys Guys Guys

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