Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gumbo's?

A type of hallucinagetic, legal drug, that makes you hallucinate. Doctors give it to you when you are so depressed you can't deal with reality. It does nothing to your nervous system besides make you hallucinate. The effect lasts for about half an hour.

That Gumbo made me see pink elephants on the ceiling! It was hilarious!

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Gumbo's - meme gif

Gumbo's meme gif

Gumbo's - video


Gumbo's - what is it?

a blood gang term for a group of crips. It comes about because crab meat and crab legs are used in most gumbo pots.

Grab your heater here comes a grip of gumbo.

👍79 👎93

What does "Gumbo's" mean?

meaning a Dumb Hoe. (use only in the right way)

when u got these dumb girls around you, u say quietly dumb Hoe, then they might say "What u say?" then you say "i said Gumbo" which will cause confusion of the dumb girls around you.
or u can just call them gumbos instead of tryin this for your safety :D

👍95 👎115

Gumbo's - what does it mean?

gum boots.

It is raining, so put on your gumbos and go out.

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Gumbo's - meaning

Litterally the best food in existance.
Cajun style food is better than most people think


👍35 👎15

Gumbo's - definition

Fat slob, spends all day browsing the internet for disturbing pictures/videos, most likely to become a serial killer.

hey gumbo stop killing people

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Gumbo's - slang

To flirt with every girl you talk to and at some point link with them

E.g Who you gumboing with???

...or Stevens gumboing with her again!!!

👍37 👎15


A dish that originated from the black people of the South-Eastern United States. It is a mixture of meat, okra, leafy vegetables, clili peppers, and whatever leftover food you have.

Are you sure that was the month-old pot roast you put in that gumbo because I swear I saw something swimming in my bowl when I stuck my spoon in?

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The act of brewing a shit in your body for so long, when you get to the bathroom the shit explodes out of your ass

"Wow I've had that gumbo brewing in me for three days"

👍119 👎33


dervived from the west african word "gombo" for okra; a stew comprised of the holy trinity in cajun/creole cooking (onions, bell peppers, and tomatoes) cajun spices, okra, bay leaves, and a variety of meats (sausage, chicken, and seafood) and served with rice.

Emeril frequently makes gumbo.

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