Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Grettle?

A girl with a bad tooth to gum ratio....either to much gum or to much teeth

also could be used as a broad term for an ugly chick

"Dude, check out that grettle tooth"...

"Ahhh this bar is full of grettle tooth's lets get out of here"...

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Grettle - video


Grettle - what is it?

daughter of tyman and mary, sister to vanessa, tyler, and tedel

grettle is so darn tootin cool

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What does "Grettle" mean?

female taint, the space between the back of the vagina and the rectum (AKA, the bottom of the apple)

The poor guy went down on me but for some reason kept licking my grettle like it was going to get me off -- I burned his number, what a loser!

After 5 kids her grettle looked like it had been in a motor cycle accident!

The drunk guy with a short dick bruised her grettle

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Grettle - what does it mean?

Verb; To push a person, generally an ugly old woman, crone, hag, witch, etc., into something hot, such as a fire, hot coals, or an oven. This phrase is an homage to Grettle the Great, who defeated the infamous witch of the candy cottage by heroically pushing her into a hot oven.

Dude, I totally grettled that bitch!

She pulled a grettle when she saved her brother by pushing the witch into the oven.

That insult wasn't a burn, it was an all out grettle.

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