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What is Greendale Secondary school?

Greendale Secondary School is a great school and choosing between Edgefield, Greendale and Punggol Sec. I recommand primary school students to go to Greendale. Teachers are alot more caring, the environment and behaviour is alot more positive.

Greendale Secondary School is where i can call home.

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Greendale Secondary school - video


Greendale Secondary school - what is it?

Greendale Secondary School is the one of the better schools in its neighbourhood, it is of higher standard than Edgefield Secondary School and Punggol Secondary school. While budget can be questionable but thats normal for a new school, the behaviour of the students far exceeds Edgefield or Punggol Sec. Not as much xmm and the yps are defintely toned down. Teachers are also decent and care for their students. While Greendale is not perfect, students are defintely proud to call it their second home. (I've seen some negative reviews abt Edgefield in the urban dictionary, so i decided to give Greendale some love)

I want to go to Greendale Secondary school after my PSLE.

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What does "Greendale Secondary school" mean?

Greendale Secondary school is the better than Punggol Secondary school. The teachers in Greendale Secondary school genuinely cares about the students’ well being and are decent towards the behaviour. The teachers and the year heads are also very friendly and chats with students on a daily basis like a friend. In Greendale, students are treated like a one big family. It is a positive, cheerful and motivational environment that many students see it as a β€˜second home.’ It offers unique experiences such as outdoor cooking during physical education, camps, class sales, games carnival, Greendale carnival and so on. The class sales is a unique experience for many Greendale students. The teachers are able to notice your unsteady emotions and gives advice to you. They are really trustful unlike other schools.

Primary six student: I wanna go to Punggol Secondary School
Parents: Go to Greendale Secondary School. You will enjoy better there.

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