Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Green Hell?

When someone ingests an abhorrent amount of cannabis on accident or otherwise. Thus suffering the consequences of confusion, lethargy, paranoia, sweating, increased appetite, or adversely; vomiting. The latter often being called, 'Greening out'.

1: "hey, 2? Did you eat that edible?"
2:"That was an edible?"
1 "Dude you're about to go through Green Hell!"
1 "And you owe me $45."

👍25 👎11

Green Hell - video


Green Hell - what is it?

When someone accidentally ingests too much cannabis and suffers the consequences of confusion, paranoia, increased appetite, or adversely; vomiting.

1: "hey, did you eat that whole edible?"
2:"that was an edible?"
1: "ooooohhh shit dude you're about to enter Green Hell!"

👍29 👎13