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What is Greeley estates?

n. 1. orgasm of the eardrums
2. an optimistic convulsion
3. snack packs in a backpack

1. "I just listened to Greeley Estates, do you have a q-tip by any chance?"

2. "Oh my god! Are you alright? You were just foaming at the mouth."

"Oh no, it's ok. It's only Greeley Estates."


👍105 👎25

Greeley estates - video


Greeley estates - what is it?

the most awsomest post hardcore screamo bandwith the sexiest frontman ryan zimmerman

me: holy shit i got beaten up in the mosh pit for greeley estates

friend: really?!

me: yeah i have so many fucking bruises

friend: aw that sucks

me: yeah but it was worth it

👍157 👎19