Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gottie?

taking the insides of a cigar out and filling it with weed

We Filled The Cigar With Weed Turning It Into A Gotti Otherwise Known As A Godfather

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Gottie - what is it?

last name of a series of bosses in the Gambino crime family. All are idiots and fucked themselves by running thier mouths and showing off. John Gotti's mouth made Sammy The Bull turn rat. Pete Gotti, John's brother, was an idiot and got no respect. John Gotti Jr. is now on trial and will probably loose.

The Gotti's are all fucking idiots and deserve to die in prison for thier stupidity alone

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What does "Gottie" mean?

A gottie is when you roll two Dutches(cause thats what we smoke on the east coast) into one fat and very long blunt by connecting them at each end with the second dutches outter leaf.
Gotties usually consist of at least three grams of danc nugs or more.

Robbie- yo did you see that blunt devin rolled last man?!

Brandon- Yeah man it was a fucking gottie. Man that kid knows how to roll a good dutch.

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Gottie - what does it mean?

Usually refers to a male who wishes he belongs to the Italian mob-scene, but in actuality is not fooling anyone with his tanning booth tan and his fake armani shirts.
Often times, these folk are nothing more then white trash.

Check out my new sunglasses and AK-47, they are so gotti.

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Gottie - meaning

Short for the love of goth women/bitties

Damn she a gotty

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Gottie - definition

n. cop-speak for a non-English speaking person who hasn't bothered to obtain a driver license or liability insurance. When asked to present a license and insurance, they reply, "No gotty."

"I got in an accident with a no-gotty, now my insurance has to pay for my damages."

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Gottie - slang

A cross between a geek and a hottie!

"He's a gottie!" or "She's a gottie!"

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A devoted fan of the Game of Thrones television series or A Song of Fire and Ice novels on which the tv series is based.

Jon is a major Gottie. He has read all of the A Song of Fire and Ice novels and watched all of the Game of Thrones episodes twice. He can even quote the show.

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A gottie is when someone partakes in a geeb, also known as a gravity bong, and then proceeds to hold in the smoke and slug down a nice shotgun, which is when one opens a whole in the side of the can and chugs it. At the end of the gottie, in order for it to be complete you must blow the smoke out at the end. The king of gotties is Jack Nauta himself. He’s him

Jack rips gotties for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Is it gottie o’clock?
R u gonna rip the gottie?

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Gottie (Got-e)- to pull off a prank, or to decieve someone or trick someone

You:"want this?" (putting your hand towards their face with your thumb, index,pinky,and ring finger touching slightly)

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