Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Google Me?

When something is so absurd you just have to look it up for yourself.

Did you hear about the COVID strikes? That *ish had me googling stuff.

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Google Me - video


Google Me - what is it?

Used by someone when answering a question or comment on a subject that is common knowledge to those with the necessary expertise.

Pendeja: Philip Rivers is a sure-bet, first-ballot Hall of Fame candidate!

Knowledgeable professional football fan: Eh, that's debatable, homie! Google me, chuck!

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What does "Google Me" mean?

That’s cool

Did you get a bike google me fresh

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Google Me - what does it mean?

Usually used in the tiktok format, A person will say this to search up a specified persons balls showing ramantic intrest

Guy 1: "Yo that looks like the battle pass."

Guy 2: "Google show me this guys balls please."

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Google Me - meaning

When someone INSISTS they are right about something that is obviously wrong and easily proven to be wrong using any number of Internet search options.

Coined by Alyssa Nelson, Pittsfield, MA, June 16, 2011

You: Cindy Lauper is only in her early 40's.

Me: No, she's definitely in her late 50's.
You: I'm certain that's not true.
Me: Her Wikipedia page says she was born in 1953. Making her 58.
You: Dude, way to Google me wrong.

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Google Me - definition

A new way of saying "prove me wrong".
implying that you want a person to look something up on the website google to find out if what you're saying is right or wrong.

"Popeye was the 26th president."

"No he wasn't"

"oh yeah? Google me wrong, bitch."

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Google Me - slang

A phrase used by a person who has a history of good press and online accolades when dealing with someone who has none.

Who tha fuck u think you’re talking to? Bitch, Google Me.

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