Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Goldilocks cock?

A variation of Goldilocks referring to one's penis that is not too big or too small.

Damn, I wish I had a Goldilocks Cock like Tom Does.

👍25 👎13

Goldilocks cock - video


Goldilocks cock - what is it?

A Penis that is generally said to be of perfect Length and Girth.

Janet: I slept with Ed last night...
Mandy: Really? How big was his junk?
Janet: Well, it wasn't too small and it wasn't too big...
Mandy: Oh, he's obviously got a Goldilocks Cock then.

👍93 👎15

What does "Goldilocks cock" mean?

Goldilocks Cock

A Penis that is generally said to be of perfect Length and Girth

Lonnie has got me dick whipped on his Goldilocks cock since we started sleeping together.

👍71 👎13