Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gol?

A chat speak term meaning Giggle Out Loud.

Nancy: "So then she called me a SLUT!"
Vicky: "GOL!"

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Gol - meme gif

Gol meme gif

Gol - video


Gol - what is it?

means to Giggle out loud. specifically used during text, chat or IMing,or blog comments. only to be used if you actually giggle . not to be included with expressions of gross overuse including but not limited to- lol/lmao/rofl.

the lesser form of COL(cackle out loud).
an extra fabulous expression for online flirting.

can also in context mean giggling out loud (see example #3)

while chatting online if i read something especially funny i often GOL(giggle out loud).
1. that wasn't quite COL(cackle out loud) funny, but i did GOL(giggle out loud).
2.I had to GOL at that blog post.
3.when he fell on his ass on our date , i tried to avoid GOL(giggling out loud).

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What does "Gol" mean?

Giggle out loud

Friend: I got shot yesterday

Me: That sucks, gol

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Gol - what does it mean?

Giggle Out Loud. Simply because people don't really Laugh Out Loud anymore.

Other variations such as GMAO, GMFAO, ROFGMFAO, and others exist as well.

Chanelle: Hey look at this funny picture!
Me: GOL.

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Gol - meaning

the word gol may be the spanish word for goal, but in english it means: to "gasp out loud" which happens when someone is, surprised beyond words.

-yo i heard that sarah cheated on josh.
-gol!, didn't see that one coming.

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Gol - definition

The Spanish word for goal.

Properly used in the context of a game winning shot in football, one would pronounce the word gol thusly: "Goooooooooooooooooooooooooool!"

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Gol - slang

G.O.L. - Giggle Out Loud
very much like lol, but giggling instead of laughing out loud

ChayPea: Boobies
Jonathonatron: gol
ChayPea: :P
Jonathonatron: =)

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abbv. G.O.L. means Giggle Out Loud

For use when something is crudely funny or not quite to the standard of lol

Jacob: Dude your fly's undone
Other guy: *embarrassed face*

Jacob: gol

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"groaned out loud", in response to either 1) a pun that was intending for a groan, or 2) a bad joke

"Why can't you hear the pterodactyl go to the bathroom? Because the p is silent."


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Giggle out loud

Rikki gol'd

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