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What is Girlcrush?

An infatuation an individual holds for a female child.

Kirk had a serious girlcrush on Brooke Shields after seeing the movie Blue Lagoon.

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Girlcrush - what is it?

moonbyul from mamamoo

moonbyul is the living and breathing definition of girlcrush

👍27 👎15

What does "Girlcrush" mean?

Ryunjin is the definition of girlcrush.

Ryunjin is everyones girlcrush

👍145 👎33

Girlcrush - what does it mean?

A (normally) straight girl's crush on another girl, often a celebrity. Is mostly platonic in nature.

A girl who is girlcrushing must by definition be straight, otherwise it's just a regular crush.

I have such a girlcrush on Angelina Jolie/Keira Knightley/insert name here.

👍947 👎137

Girlcrush - meaning

A "girlcrush" is like a "mancrush" except it is 300% more-likely that they'll at least make out a little bit if they ever meet and 1000% more-likely that they will have a pillow fight.

Deanna has a girlcrush on Ali Krieger, and would have an uncontrollable desire to pillow-fight if the two ever met.

👍129 👎115

Girlcrush - definition

A girlcrush is when a girl admires another girl. It is NOT a sexual attraction. It means you want to BE the person you have a girlcrush on, or simply you just want to be there best friend. You pretty much just think they're awesome.

Rachel: I have a girlcrush on Ellen. She's so hot why can't i be her.

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