Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Giorgia?

Bad ass ginger bitch who ride dick like no other.PERIOD.

β€œGORL,lastnight idc what got into me I went full on β€˜Dirty Giorgia’ on him and he LOVEDDD IT”

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Giorgia - meme gif

Giorgia meme gif

Giorgia - video


Giorgia - what is it?

Someone really funny and kind with a lot of energy! The person who’s always there for you and loves giving! The type of person that can’t wait to be 17 to drive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Loves meeting up with friends
Loves k pop
Loves BTS concerts
Loves dancing(K pop) with friends
Love her BTS Instagram account

Wow! Did you see that girl dancing to fake love?
She was Giorgia material!

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What does "Giorgia" mean?

Giorgia Is a person who simps for an anime character called Dazai Osamu. People with this name love everything associated with him, like action figures and cute Dazai plushies. They are often called horny and lazy.

Ex: OmG you simp for Dazai?!? You're such a Giorgia!

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Giorgia - what does it mean?

A nice girl that is obsessed with a lot of things.

Giorgia is so obsessed with Ariana Grande!

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Giorgia - meaning

SHY but sweet

That girl was such a Giorgia during her presentation!

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Giorgia - definition

Giorgia's are the best people who you can talk to about anything and if they trust you they will talk to you about their personal lives and you will get really close and become best friends. However if you fuck up your friendship by using her insecurities against them, your fucked because no matter how hard you try you aren't gonna get them to forgive you and your gonna end up making their hate towards you even worse when you try and try and get frustrated and fuck up even more. You will end up with flashbacks and even dreams reminding you that you may never get them back as a friend. Enjoy your shitty life without them cause you're a bloodclart eediat.

Cunt writes a dark disgusting note towards Giorgia.

She then hates you for the rest of your fucked up life most likely and you can't get that back you bastard.

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Giorgia - slang

Giorgia is a very outgoing person. She’s always in her own world probably listening to some rap zoning out. She seems high but that’s just how she is. Giorgia can be the absolute bitchiest and most badass person u will ever meet but it’s in a good way. She’s a great munipulator and has a few close friends and everyone else is irrelevant to her. She’s crazy and fun to be around. There’s never a dull moment when ur around a Giorgia!!

Friend 1: yo Giorgia’s coming over today wanna come
Friend 2: omg yes ofc i love that bitch!
Friend 1: bro she gon be high asf😭

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She is a beautyfull person and she's kind to everyone. She's talented and she never gives up. She gives so much to a lot of people but doesn't always get it back. She deserves a man who loves her more than anything, thats not hard. Shes hot and has beutiful hair and a wonderfull personality. She's friends with a lot of people, because she's good with everyone and makes everybody happy and more confident and lets them laugh.

Everyone wants to be friends with her because she's great.

She's probably from Italy or Spain and has a very strong vibe. She can get through everything with her friends and family.

Not all of her 'friends' were always real and kind to her. And a lot of friendships broke. But not because of her.
Sometimes she's a little unpatient, but she's so brave and string and awesome.

All in all, she's awesome and lit and flawless and she's always ther for you to talk.

Never let her go. Never.

Whoa. Giorgia is so hot.

Wow. She's perfect. I want to be like her.

I left her and I regret.

She has thaaaat ass.

She has this wonderful character.

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Someone who is amazingly talented. She is the kind of girl who is friends with everyone, and who everyone wants to be friends with.

She is smart, funny, kind, friendly, a party animal, smokin hot and full of banter... Some even call her the queen of Bantz.

She's pretty much good at everything... We mean everything.

Note... Only girls who spell the name G'i'orgia apply to this.

Hey, I met this girl Giorgia last night. She was amazing!
That girl was so fine, she could be a Giorgia

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She is a beautyfull person and she's kind to everyone. She's talented and she never gives up. She gives so much to a lot of people but doesn't always get it back. She deserves a man who loves her more than anything, and thats not hard, because her heart is even bigger than her butt. Shes hot and has beutiful hair and a wonderfull personality. She's friends with a lot of people, because she's good with everyone and makes everybody happy and more confident and lets them laugh.

Everyone wants to be friends with her because she's great.

She's probably from Italy or Spain and has a very strong vibe. She can get through everything with her friends and family.

Not all of her 'friends' were always real and kind to her. And a lot of friendships broke. But not because of her, its because sometimes she trusts the weong people, without noticing.
Sometimes she's a little unpatient, but she's so brave and strong and awesome.
And every boy is into her, but she also had fuckboys by her side... such dickheads!

All in all, she's awesome, caring, a beauty, always in a good mood, talented & she's always there for you to talk.

Never let her go. Never.

Omg shes so Giorgia(great)

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