Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ghost ride?

when tards in the burbs take their automatic vehicle, and let it coast while they try to make an ass of themselves either walking in front, jumping on top or hanging on the side of their own vehicle..

usually for the purpose of making a video...

look at that wigga with his chevy tahoe , he's ghost riding and woops, just got run over by his own car !

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Ghost ride - video


Ghost ride - what is it?

To "ghost ride" or "ghost riding" is when a driver places his car in neutral, or cruises at a low speed approx. 5-10 mph everyone in the vehicle opens all the doors and walks along side the car, steps on the hood or the roof of the car while dancing to heart pounding rap music.

"Ghost riding" was invented in the Country Club Crest of Vallejo, Ca by rap artist: J Diggs, then was popularized by E 40 in his hit video "Tell me when to go". The "REAL" Ghost ridn' can be seen on "Treal Tv #2", J Diggs shows where it came from and how to "ghost ride your whip.

Ghost riding started off as a neighborhood expression, then later a city thing, to a Bay Area thing, now a worldwide expression of having fun and has become the culture of many youth in today's world starting from the Bay Area in Northern California

Ghost ride the whip, now watch em' swang, go stupid go dumb dumb..tell me when ta go.....E40

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What does "Ghost ride" mean?

bay area rap term.
someone riding on top of a scrapper while the car is still moving with no one driving.

listen to Ghost Ride IT by Mistah F.A.B

i ghost ride it through fruitvale!

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Ghost ride - what does it mean?

To Ghost Ride The Whip

Ghost riding is the act of getting out of your car while it is in neutral or while it is in drive and dance around the car, on top of the car, or behind the car. Ghost riding was populized with the wave of hip-hop know as hyphy and with songs by e-40 and the Federation. The act of ghost riding was thought up of by the people of the san fran bay area but now is being utilized by many teenagers around the u.s.

i was rollin through southside oakland and i saw some of my niggas ghost ridin da whip, man dat shit is tight.

"Ghost ride the whip"

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Ghost ride - meaning

Yet another way that natural selection is working it's way into pop culture.

Damned fool got his ass killed trying to ghost ride.

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Ghost ride - definition

While driving a car, open the door and climb out onto the hood while the car continues to roll. It is typical for one to dance around on the hood while the car is ghostin.

"Ghost ride the whip while we dancin on the hood"

-Mac Dre, Get Stupid(Remix)

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Ghost ride - slang

The act of hanging outside of their driver-side door with no driver in the seat while the car is still in motion. From the yay area, oakland!

Ghost riding the whip,
doors open,
invisible driver!
invisible driver!

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Ghost ride

To have sex with a man/woman when you are soooo drunk (blackout, obliterated, donzoed, residing in the abyss) that you do not remember the experience until you are notified by a friend, acquaintance or the ghost ridden individual.

I had sex with Sally/Sammy?!?! Wow...If that's not a ghost ride, I will lick E-40s taint. (Apply stunna shades, and casually walk away)

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Ghost ride

When one sits on their hand until it becomes numb and then masturbates with it so it feels as if someone else is doing it when if fact no one is there, hence ghost riding

Sometimes I ghost ride myself and imagine thats its you

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Ghost ride

A sexual act whereby a person will take a girl from behind as she faces their bedroom window. This person’s flatemate will very discreetly come in half way through and swap whilst the original fornicator runs around the house to the window and waves at the girl who is now being β€œghost ridden”.

β€œDude I just got a booty call from Lauren and she sounded fairly trashed – could be a good night for ghost ride”

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