Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gay niggas?

Cooper (bitch ass) fezel

Damn look at Cooper

He a gay nigga

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Gay niggas - video


Gay niggas - what is it?


-Souja boi

GAy nigga is someone who is both gay and a nigga.

example: This nigga gay.

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What does "Gay niggas" mean?

The guy is probably going to Uottowa and also drives a Toyota Corolla with no heated front seats.

Man that guy is such a gay nigga

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Gay niggas - what does it mean?

Gangstalicious from The Boondocks

He kissed a nigga that means he’s a Gay nigga

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Gay niggas - meaning

Gay nigga is a word used for a person who disrespect you or is just gay.

Oh hamoodi.memes you are a gay nigga that fucks abu.anon for fun

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Gay niggas - definition

A gay nigga is defined as mike Slivka.

Man mike Slivka is really a gay nigga

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Gay niggas - slang

A term used when an person of colour does something to draw attention

"Hey tom look at that fucking gay nigga over there breakdancing and playing basketball at the same time !!

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Gay niggas

Always that one kid in your school, when you call them gay they don’t disagree. They also make a lot of gay remarks and are usually named Sam.

β€œSam, i swear you’re gay” β€œOk and?” β€œSam! Didn’t know you were a Gay Nigga, like damn!”

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Gay niggas

Describing a group of people who probably would BBQ their own penis to treat their famine.

Bruh look at those GAY NIGGAS suckin each others dick to get a penny

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Gay niggas

Men that your dad would fuck

Your dad would fuck gay niggas

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