Definder - what does the word mean?

What is GayLord?

1: A hotel franchise owning the Gaylord Opry Land in Nashville Tennessee

2: A name nobody wants to have

3: A certain small town in Michigan

4: The insult to beat all insults

1: We just spent a night at the Gaylord hotel in Nashville

2: I bet that kid lives in Gaylord Michigan, that's why he's so depressed

3: Wait your name is Gaylord? Ha ha you're a fucking queer

4: Justin Bieber is the king of all you Gaylords

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GayLord - meme gif

GayLord meme gif

GayLord - video


GayLord - what is it?

A standard size cardboard container (48" x 40" x 36") which fits perfectly on a standard pallet.

We need another Gaylord of resin brought to the machine.

👍339 👎217

What does "GayLord" mean?

A small town in southern Minnesota. Located in Sibley County. Repeatedly made fun of for the name of Gaylord. Sometimes called Gaytown and towns around us refer to us as Gaykids. Others also say we are gay.

"Hey, I'm from Arlington. Where are you from?"
"Oh, I'm from Gaylord!"
"Haha are you, like, Gay or something?

👍57 👎21

GayLord - what does it mean?

Also known as Almighty Gaylord's, Almighty Gaylord Nation and the Chicago Gaylord's. The Gaylord's are the oldest largest White street gang located in the City of Chicago.

The Chicago Gaylords live in Logan Square.

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GayLord - meaning

The ultimate insult, cannot be stopped by anything.

Or a city in Michigan

Or an unfortuanate surname

Bob:Fuck you, dickhead
Bill: Sure thing Gaylord
Bill and all other boys in sight: All hail the ruler of all gays

👍1029 👎493

GayLord - definition

A lord of gayness.
One who is extremely gay
Childish form of douchebag
Someone who is really lame

my neightbor jim is a gaylord; he called the police when we had our party because he wasnt invited

👍1833 👎851

GayLord - slang

Grand Avenue Young Lords | a Chicago street gang that started in the area of Grand and Noble streets in the early 1950s.

The Gaylords wear black and blue, or black and gray.

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the name of my town. A small town in southern minnesota. All the people who aren't from around here make fun of the name gaylord

Hey im from gaylord. where are you from?
wtf!!! your from a town called gaylord?!?!?!?!

👍1455 👎573


An unfortunate surname.

He was an exceptional basketball player - but he didn't join because he didn't want the name GAYLORD on the back of his jersey.

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someone flaunting their homosexuality in an aloof manner

That goon is gaylording it about like hes not gunna get queerbashed

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