Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gate?

Slang synonym for "uncool", used to describe an event, an object, a person, or a feeling.

(Event): "That sponge bathing for grandma was gate."
(Object): "His dirty sock was gate. So gate."
(Person): "That pinhead is so gate."
(Feeling): "Man, I felt gate with my pants around my ankles."

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Gate - meme gif

Gate meme gif

Gate - video

Gate - what is it?

A date in which one person is gay and the other person is straight, and the straight person is trying to make someone jealous.

Sam went on a gate to make Angela jealous.

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What does "Gate" mean?

A geourgeous woman in her 20's who has thè demeanor of an American alligator, thus behaving suddenly and explosively phycotic and a rambunctious constant appetite for live meat.

Hey Bob, this girl I met last night is a straight gate, you should take a shot at taming her tonight.

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Gate - what does it mean?

Two people of the same gender who are seen out on a date. Mixture of the words "gay" and "date"

Aw, Marvin and Luke are gating now!

Look at those two guys over there...think they're gating?

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Gate - meaning

When you are gay and straight at the same time

Person 1: hi
Jimmy: hi
Person 1: so what are you?
Jimmy: gate
*literally everyone* he is the mesiah

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Gate - definition

Denotes a place where drugs are sold, and is usually referred to places where the dealers live, most commonly houses or projects.

1. Hey yo, somebody just robbed my gate.

2. How you gonna come disrespectin' my gate like that?

3. Swing by the weed gate if your trying to pick up.

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Gate - slang

To lick out pussy

"im gonna gate her tonight" = im going to lick her out tonight

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When the boys roll up to the crib with energy drinks drugs and vapes and then you all watch virtual reality porn and eat garlic cloves with pengiuns

Hopefully today with be a gate day with the boyz

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A Gay date. Most commonly, a gate occurs when a single woman needs a date when attending a function like a wedding, company Christmas party, or even a school dance.

Gates, are non-threatening to the woman, and usually make great companions because there are no pre-conceived ideas of the definition of the date, make great dance partners, have good etiquette, and of course dress well.

There have been many instances when the woman becomes delusional and secretly views the gate as a real date. This is known as "trying to change the lock on the gate" and has never succeeded.

Bride to Sister: Samantha, have you found someone to bring to my wedding yet?

Samantha: Actually, yes, I have. I'm bringing my friend Bryan.

Bride: Oh, could Bryan be someone special? More than just a friend?

Samantha: No, he's just a gate. Unfortunately, he doesn't play on our team, but he looks good and is fun to hang with. Plus it will prevent the family from getting their hopes up about me being the next to walk down the aisle in a white dress.

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Gate (gay-t) noun
Gate is a slang word used by the Jamaican Posse and means a house, apartment, car. In some areas a gate house refers to a drug

Jah don't care we hang at the gate.

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