Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Gary the Snail?

The act of a woman rubbing her wet vagina on a mans body from neck to penis leaving a residue like Gary the snail.

Can't wait for her to Gary The Snail my chest.

👍25 👎11

Gary the Snail - video


Gary the Snail - what is it?

"meow", bites spongebob profusely


👍31 👎11

What does "Gary the Snail" mean?

To drag your sweaty balls across a woman's face leaving a slime trail, similarly to Gary the Snail from Spongebob when he leaves slime trails.

"Damn dude I Gary The Snailed that hoe"
"What's does that mean?"
"I dragged by sweaty nuts across her face and left a slime trail"


👍39 👎15

Gary the Snail - what does it mean?

Spongebob's pet snail, who might be smarter than Spongebob. 🐌

Is your favorite character on Spongebob Gary the Snail?

👍65 👎17

Gary the Snail - meaning

A manouver in which a girl finishes riding your face and dismounts by sliding her vagina across your whole face, leaving a trail of slime like a snail.

John: " Hey bro, How did your date with Ashley go" ?
Blake: " It was cool dude, she stayed the night".
John: " Nice you gonna see her again"?
Blake: " IDK bro she hit me with that Gary the Snail".
John: " Gross".

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